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The didactical meetings with the students organized by OP LATIUM are continuing even during the period of closure of the olive mills. Aim of the lessons is to encourage the diffusion of the culture of the true italian extra virgin olive.
Students of all ages discover together with our technicians the history of the most representative product of the Mediterranean diet, the main production techniques, the precautions to be taken to ensure the quality of the oil, the main principles of sensory analysis, the health benefits due to the regular consumption of extra virgin.
A practice session of tasting and sensory analysis always follows an introductory theoretical part, so that the pupils, after learning how to produce this precious food, also understand how to distinguish the sensory characteristics and appreciate the valuable nutrient supply.
Interested schools may obtain more information by writing to
This activity is realized within a campaign funded with contributions from the European Union and Italy Reg.UE 611/14 Activity 3 Action 3D – 2nd year 2016-2017.