On July 26, 2016 from 10:30 to 13:00 hours at the OP LATIUM plant “Colli Sabini” of Palombara Sabina (RM), there will be a technical-training meeting dedicated to the olive mill technicians and to the bottling / packaging operators working with extra virgin olive oil.
The course, organized by OP LATIUM and conducted by Prof. Maurizio Servili of the University of Perugia, is aimed to provide information and theoretical and practical updates, useful to ensure a proper technical management of the production, storage and packaging of the oils.
The activitiy is carried out by OP LATIUM within a campaign funded with contributions from the European Union and Italy Reg.UE 611/14 Activity 3 3D Action – IIa Annuity 2016 -2017.
It has the purpose of transferring knowledge about innovative processes, properly update operators in the industry and increase their professional profile to ensure the achievement of the highest levels of quality of the product.
Participation is free.
For information: segreteria@oplatium.it