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The quality of an olive oil and its classification are not only determined by using chemical parameters but also with the help of the sensory analysis which allows the execution of an accurate assessment of olive oil, based on olfactory and tasting factors.

Through sensory evaluation, specialists are able to recognize and evaluate the positive and negative attributes of an oil, being able to classify it and to recognize different fruit and vegetable aromas based on the variety of olive and its geographical origin.
Sensory analysis is carried out by a “test panel”, a recognized tasting group of 8-12 specialists selected, trained and monitored, who apply internationally approved methods.

Each tester works in a single small booth, without speaking nor interacting with others, and, after smelling and tasting of the oil sample, she/he scores the intensity of the different positive attributes (fruity, bitter, pungent) and negative attributes (example: fusty, musty – humid, winey – vinegary, acid – sour, muddy sediment, metallic, rancid…) listed in a standardized profile sheet. The statistic analysis of the panels results allows for the classification of the oil.

Virgin olive oils are graded by comparing the median value of the defects and of the fruitiness.
A little curiosity: the official oil tasting glass is blue because the color of the oil is generally not related to its quality, so it is important to avoid permitting judgment to be affected by the perception of color.

Anyone, even if not trained as a tester, can enjoy himself by recognizing the most significant attributes of an olive oil, simply following this simple procedure:
1. Put some oil into a little glass and lightly warm it, holding it for some minutes in one hand and covering the top of the glass with the other hand.

2. Uncover the glass near your nose and smell the oil, first briefly, then more deeply trying to capture its different aromas and looking above all for pleasant fruit flavors.

3. Sip a small quantity of oil (about a teaspoon) trying to keep it in front of your mouth between your lower lip your tightly shut teeth.

4. Breathe in vigorously through clenched teeth one-two times, so as to vaporize the oil inside the mouth and the sides of the tongue to exalt the perception of its flavors.

5. Quickly try to identify and catalogue all the different aromas and flavours, exhale air from the nose so that vaporized oil particles can reach the nasal membrane giving even more precise sensations.