OP LATIUM offers guided tours and educational visits to discover the fascinating world of Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
The tours – dedicated to groups and schools – are available in [b]Italian[/b] and in [b]English[/b] language and take place at the OP LATIUM plant “Colli Sabini” [b]near Rome[/b], in Palombara Sabina (Rm), in the centre of Italy.
Visits are aimed to learn how an olive mill and bottling plant works and are mainly focused on the [b]tasting of olive oil[/b] and on the recognition of its unique [b]qualities[/b] and [b]health benefits[/b].
Our guided tour includes a practice [url=https://www.oplatium.it/eng/articles/characteristics-and-consumption/sensory-analysis-of-virgin-olive-oil/158/]olive oil tasting[/url] session under the guide of an expert olive oil taster and concludes with a [b]final tasting of “bruschetta”[/b] (bread with our oil) and of our special [b]chocolate spreads[/b] made with olive oil.
For more information and reservations: [email]segreteria@oplatium.it[/email]
[url=https://www.oplatium.it/eng/news/olive-mill-and-oil-tour-near-rome-our-guided-tour-discovering-extra-virgin-olive-oil-are-available-for-groups-and-schools/161/]Discover more[/url]