OP LATIUM, exploiting the extensive technical expertise acquired in carrying out its activities, has set up two farms operating under its own control. Both farms are aimed to produce olive oil and table olives of certified quality, managing many hectares of olive groves, most of which had been abandoned and now have been recovered. The first farm, LATIUM BIO, operates following the rules of organic farming, the other, OLIVETI DEL LAZIO, works in accordance with the rules of integrated crop management. The availability of plots of land characterized by differing pedoclimatic conditions and variable varietal compositions among those managed by the two farms, offers us the opportunity to carry out experimental tests related to the use of agronomic techniques and innovative technical means.

Latium BIO Gruppo OP LATIUM
Latium BIO Gruppo OP LATIUM

Established in 2016, Latium BIO Società Semplice Agricola is headquartered in S.P. Pascolare, 87 in Palombara Sabina (Rm). The farm manages approximately 30 hectares of olive groves - many of them centuries old - that have been recovered after a long period of abandon and now are grown according to organic farming criteria, ie focusing on the rational management of internal resources and using limited external inputs to safeguard the whole agroecosystem.

Productive Units Latium BIO

Productive Unit Falconieri Est

  • Surface Area: 15,6 ha
  • Altitude: 150-200 m s.l.m.
  • Main Cultivars: Carboncella, Leccino, Frantoio
  • Pruning method: Vaso Policonico
  • Farming method: Biologico

Adhering to the Sabina P.D.O. certification scheme

Productive Unit Strada Gobbi

  • Surface Area: 3 ha
  • Altitude: 150 m s.l.m.
  • Main Cultivars: Carboncella, Leccino, Frantoio
  • Pruning method: Vaso Policonico
  • Farming method: Biologico

Adhering to the Sabina P.D.O. certification scheme

Productive Unit Vignolette

  • Surface Area: 10,5 ha
  • Altitude: 150-200 m s.l.m.
  • Main Cultivars: Carboncella, Leccino, Frantoio
  • Pruning method: Vaso Policonico
  • Farming method: Biologico

Adhering to the Sabina P.D.O. certification scheme

Oliveti del Lazio Gruppo OP LATIUM
Oliveti del Lazio Gruppo OP LATIUM

Established in 2016, Oliveti del Lazio Società Semplice Agricola is headquartered in S.P. Pascolare, 87 in Palombara Sabina (Rm). The farm manages approximately 20 hectares of olive groves - many of them centuries old - that have been recovered after a long period of abandon and now are grown in accordance with integrated production methods, ie using technically-agronomic means that are as natural as possible and partially substituting the chemicals that can have a greater impact on the agro-ecosystem, thus ensuring a greater environmental sustainability of its agricultural pratctices.

Productive Units Oliveti del Lazio

Productive Unit Falconieri Ovest

  • Surface Area: 4,2 ha
  • Altitude: 150-200 m s.l.m.
  • Main Cultivars: Carboncella, Leccino, Frantoio
  • Pruning method: Vaso Policonico
  • Farming method: Produzione integrata

Productive Unit Belvedere

  • Surface Area: 5,7 ha
  • Altitude: 130-150 m s.l.m.
  • Main Cultivars: Carboncella, Leccino, Frantoio, Canino
  • Pruning method: Vaso Policonico
  • Farming method: Produzione integrata

Productive Unit Tre Colli

  • Surface Area: 6,1 ha
  • Altitude: 150-180 m s.l.m.
  • Main Cultivars: Carboncella, Leccino, Frantoio
  • Pruning method: Vaso Policonico
  • Farming method: Produzione integrata

Productive Unit Tenuta Montelibretti

  • Surface Area: 3,9 ha
  • Altitude: 150-170 m s.l.m.
  • Main Cultivars: Carboncella, Leccino, Frantoio
  • Pruning method: Vaso Policonico
  • Farming method: Produzione integrata

Productive Unit Strada Badiola

  • Surface Area: 5 ha
  • Altitude: 90-110 m s.l.m.
  • Main Cultivars: Carboncella, Leccino, Frantoio
  • Pruning method: Vaso Policonico
  • Farming method: Produzione integrata