Sunday, April 30, 2017 at 10:00 am at the Sala Polivalente of the Town Hall of Ripi (FR)
OP LATIUM organizes a technical conference in collaboration with Frantoio Cavalli.
The title of the event is: "Olive Tree Diseases and Defense Techniques".
Participation is free.

Vinicio Savone
Presidente Provinciale Coldiretti Frosinone
Pietro Greco
Direttore Provinciale Coldiretti Frosinone
Stefano Cifeca
Agronomo OP LATIUM
Roberto Zeppieri
Sindaco di Ripi
Agostino Cavalli
Titolare Frantoio Cavalli

Giuseppe Napoletano
Agronomo OP LATIUM

This activity is realized within a campaign funded with contributions from the European Union and Italy Reg.UE 611/14 Activity 2 Action 2B - 3nd year 2017-2018.

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